Issue 9/2024
Todorova P., Mermeklieva, E.
With the increase in the life expectancy of the population and the change in the life stereotype (travel, outdoor sports and use of new sources of artificial light), the cumulative effects of ultraviolet radiation cause negative changes in the eye and the periorbital area – malignant diseases, photokeratitis, pterygium and cataract .
This turns ultraviolet radiation into a factor of increasing importance for public health, and protection from its harmful effects into a mandatory component of prevention.
Key words: pterygium, ultraviolet radiation, basal limbal stem cells, limbal fibroblasts
Аddress for correspondation:
Тodorova, P.
Department of Ophthalmology,
MBAL „Trakia“ – Stara Zagora
84, „Patriarh Evtimii”, Str.
6000, Stara Zagora