GPNews – News for the general practitioner
To be sure, to be informed!
What is GPNews?
A peer of the GP practice in our country
The only specialized edition for general practitioners
12 monthly booklets on topics vital to your practice
Since 2000, GPNews magazine has been in the hands of the medical and pharmaceutical community. Adapted to the professional interests of the audience, the publication provides up-to-date, reliable and practical information in the field of clinical medicine, new drugs, health legislation, health economics and health insurance. GP News covers developments in the field of medicine and pharmacy around the world and informs about upcoming and held medical forums, congresses and qualification courses.
GPNews team consists of medically trained editors and specialists. Pre-press preparation and design is carried out by the Tribest advertising agency team.
The magazine is published once a month with a circulation of 4,000 copies in multi-color printing. It is distributed by subscription and free sale throughout the country. When the quantities of a given issue run out, the editors issue a reprint at the request of readers or advertising companies. The journal accepts scientific works from all fields of medicine, of interest to general practitioners and specialists working in the field of health care, for publication free of charge. Priority is given to original scientific works – articles, reviews and short reports. The journal is included with an identification code (ISSN) in the International Periodicals Registration System. It is referenced in the “Bulgarian Medical Literature” database.
Print edition: ISSN 1311-4727
Online edition: ISSN 2815-3308
Issues of GPNews magazine are kept by the National Library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, as well as from the Central Medical Library at the Medical University – Sofia.
Editor-in-Chief – Duties
- Responsible for all journal publications. Its duty is to strive to meet the needs of readers and authors and to strive to continuously improve the scientific level of the materials that are published.
- Evaluates manuscripts exclusively on their scholarly merits.
- Responsible for managing conflicts of interest between staff, authors, reviewers.
- Takes all steps to ensure transparency of the publishing process.
- Regularly updates the requirements for authors, how they should prepare their manuscripts for submission to the editorial office. These requirements are updated on the GP News magazine website.
Editorial board – Duties
- Evaluates submitted materials on their scholarly merits, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and political views of the authors.
- He is not allowed to discuss the submitted materials with third parties other than the reviewers, the publisher and the author.
- Makes a decision to publish on the proposal of the editor-in-chief.
- Responds promptly and without undue delay in all cases of received signals of unethical behavior, including plagiarism, incorrect citation, manipulation of data and results. This may lead to the withdrawal of the manuscript or, if already in print, to publication of the identified ethical violations.
Reviewers – Duties
- Each article is reviewed by two independent experts (double-blind peer review) through an independent review process.
- The meticulous work of reviewers underpins editorial board decision-making for publication. Reviewers’ comments and recommendations can improve the quality of manuscripts.
- Any reviewer who does not feel sufficiently competent in the scientific field of his proposed manuscript or has difficulty submitting the review within the expected time frame must immediately notify the Editor-in-Chief that he is withdrawing from reviewing.
- Reviewers must respect the principle of confidentiality and not discuss with third parties any information related to their proposed manuscript.
- The review must be prepared impartially and objectively. Reviewers are expected to express their opinion competently, clearly and with sufficient arguments.
- Reviewers must strictly follow the correct citation and use of data and sources. The establishment of significant proximity between the reviewed manuscript and an already published article requires prompt notification to the Editor-in-Chief.
- Reviewers must refrain from reviewing in the event of a conflict of interest based on professional, personal, financial and other commitments to the author.