Carcinogenic risk in obesity and diabetes mellitus
Karamfilova, V., Nedeva, I.
Anthropometric studies on the effect of yogurt fermented with lactobacillus bulgaricus, St. Termophilus and Bifidus essensis in the treatment of obesity
Khandzhiev, St, Dzhikova, G.
The human gut microbiome – physiological composition and functions, meaning on the pathogenesis of obesity and opportunities to influence
Denchev, V., Handjieva-Darlenska, T.
Bartrer’s Syndrome – review of literature and case report
Tsonkova, E., Head of Department of Pediatrics, UMBAL Kanev JSC – Ruse
Role of probiotics in prevention and treatment of Covid-19
Pashalieva, I.
Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Paskalev, D.
New aspects in cataract surgery
Kirova, T., Kalaidjiev, A., Voinov, L., Yordanov, G.
Modern operative approaches in surgical treatment of pterygium
Kirova, T., Kalaidjiev, A., Voinov, L., Yordanov, G.
Imunobor Kids – dosage regimens and clinical benefits
Nikolov, G.