Issue 4/2024
Kotsev, I.
Clinic of gastroenterology, MBAL – Varna
Fecal incontinence leads to social isolation and is characterized by difficulty or inability to control retention of solid and liquid feces or intestinal gas. The most common causes are damage in CNS or autonomic nervous system, severe vaginal delivery, radiotherapy, anal surgery, underlying diseases – diabetes, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, prolonged diarrhea or constipation, IBD, IBS. Diagnostic refinement is with classic and modern diagnostic methods. The underlying and causative disease is treated with diet, medication and physiotherapy. In the case of non-influence, surgery or specific partial prosthetics is proceeded.
Address for correspondence:
Kotserv, I.
Clinic of Gastroenterology, MBAL – Varna
1, Hrishto Smirnensky, Str.
9010, Varna