Issue 1/2023
Zhelev, R.
CPZ “Prof. Nikola Shipkovenski”, specialist in psychiatry
Honorary lecturer at the Ministry of Finance of the University of St. St. Kliment Ohridski” – Sofia
Depression is a disease which is widely affecting a lot of people by its own etiopathogenesis and clinical signs, causing significant impairments in the quality of life and functioning of the afflicted. The high chance of only partial remission in spite of the antidepressant treatment indicates the need of novel therapeutic methods with more precise and effective alleviation of the symptoms. New discoveries in the fields of etiology and the mechanisms of pathogenesis of the disease expand the frontiers of psychopharmacology. Knowledge about the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the depressive symptoms is necessary for a more advisable use and combination of the now available means, as well as discovering new alternatives. Building a model for step-by-step initiation of the various medications and interventions in the different stages of the treatment of the disease aids the therapy of depression and allows its benefits to be brought to the wider population. This is the only way to overcome the burden that depression causes to the community.
Address for correspondence:
R. Jelev
Specialist in psychiatry and Hospital “Prof. Nikola Shipkovenski”
tel.: +359 885 737 546