Issue 6/2023
Milanova1, G., Zlatarova1, Z.
1 SOBAL Burgas, Mladost Medical Center – Burgas
2 Medical University-Varna, SBOBAL – Varna
Epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a disorder of the vitreomacular interface characterized by symptoms of reduced visual acuity and metamorphopsia. Its prevalence is 7% to 11.8%, with increasing age being the most important risk factor. Etiologically, epiretinal membranes are divided into idiopathic ERM – of unknown origin and without the presence of other retinal pathology, and secondary – a consequence of a large number of eye diseases and conditions, the most common of which are cataract surgery, retinal vascular disease, uveitis, trauma, retinal tears, etc.Most cases of epiretinal membrane are diagnosed during a routine eye exam. Аdvances in imaging have allowed clinicians to more accurately classify and characterize ERMs and their associated complications, such as vitreomacular traction and macular hole. Management options of ERM are currently limited and consist of either observation or surgical intervention. Surgical procedure includes pars plana vitrectomy with removal of the ERM with or without removal of the internal limiting membrane (ILM). It is extremely important to make the correct assessment, whether the specific case is suitable for surgical treatment and in what time frame this should happen. The goal of ERM treatment should be to preserve or improve vision, minimize symptoms such as metamorphopsia, diplopia, and improve quality of life.
Address for correspondence:
Milanova, G.
Burgas, Slavejkov district
174, „Georgi Minkov“, Str.