Issue 7/2023
D. Paskalev, D. Petkova
Medical University – Varna
Adolf Kussmaul was a leading clinician on his time. He was born on 22. February 1822 as son and grandson of physicians and followed their way. Kussmaul studied medicine in Heidelberg and later specialized in Vienna and Prague with Carl von Rockitansky (pathology); Joseph Škoda (internal diseases); Ferdinand von Hebra (dermatology) and Johann von Oppolzer (internal diseases). He served as military surgean and later had private practice. He went to Würzburg to study for his doctorate under Virchow. Kussmaul was subsequently Professor of medicine at Heidelberg, Erlangen, Freiburg and Strassburg. He was elected as honorary citizen of Heidelberg where he died on 25.May 1902. Kussmaul is regarded as one of the creators of the term Biedermaier. His name continues to be used in the eponyms: Kussmaul breathing (very deep and labored breathing in severe diabetic ketoacidosis); Kussmaul sign (pulsus paradoxus in constrictive pericarditis); Kussmaul disease (periarteriitis nodosa, now polyarteritis nodosa) – named with Rudolf Maier, pathologist.
Key words: Adolf Kussmaul, periarteriitis nodosa, Kussmaul breathing
Address for correspondence:
Paskalev D.,
Medical College, Medical University of Varna,
55, Marin Drinov, Str.
9000, Varna
tel: 00359-887-765-313