Issue 1/2025
Alexandrova1,2, I., Bozhinova1, V.
1 Clinic of Nervous Diseases for Children, St. Naum Hospital
2 Department of Neurology, Sofia Medical University
Peroneal paresis is the most common form of compression neuropathy of the lower limb, occurring with limited dorsiflexion of the foot with or without sensory symptoms. The etiology is diverse, with nerve compression being the leading factor. The most common cases of peroneal paresis are after trauma, surgical interventions in the foot and knee area, including after prolonged lying of the patient in one position, after placing immobilizing splints, during prolonged standing on the knees or with crossed legs, especially with significant weight loss. Affection of n. peroneus is observed in various polyneuropathies, with peroneal paresis being one of the most common initial manifestations of hereditary neuropathy with a tendency to compression paralysis (HNP).
Key words: peroneal paresis, hereditary neuropathy with a tendency to compression paralysis, n. Peroneus
Address for correspondence: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliyana Alexandrova, MD
Clinic of Neurological Diseases for Children,
„St. Naum“ Hospital
1, „Lyuben Rusev“, Str.
1113, Sofia