Issue 5/2023
Kamenov, K., cardiologist
Dyslipidemias are unhealthy levels of one or more types of lipids in the blood. They are a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (2). This necessitates the early identification of patients with high cardiovascular risk. In this connection, a therapeutic strategy is being developed, which aims to lower the levels of LDL-C (LDL-cholesterol) to the lowest possible values. The most commonly administered medications to achieve LDL-C target levels are statins. Statins have some side effects that are overlooked in patients at high cardiovascular risk, but in patients at lower risk it is appropriate to look for safer alternatives. In this regard, the ESC (European Society of Cadiology) and the EAS (European Atherosclerosis Society) also consider some natural alternatives that could have a positive therapeutic effect both as a coadjuvant therapy together with standard medical treatment and independently in milder cases. Lipibor and TriOmega 1000+ are natural lipid-lowering agents that comply with the current recommendations of the European Cardiology Association and the European Atherosclerosis Association. Their use in clinical practice provides additional therapeutic options for the successful treatment of dyslipidemias.
Adress for correspondence:
Kamen Kamenov
Medical centre “Orto Punct”
1000, София
Residential area Zona B18, block 11, en. 1, fl. 1, ap. 4