Issue 8/2024
Bulanova, S., Durmishev, L. Department of Dermatology and Venereology,
Medical University – Sofia
Introduction: Lasser-Trela syndrome is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome associated with internal malignancy, characterized clinically by the sudden onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses. Clinical case: We present a 90-year-old patient with multiple pigmented papules, nodules and vegetations disseminated on the trunk and upper extremities, with a tendency to confluence into plaques. The patient underwent recent surgery for a tumor formation in the area of the Colon ascendens, which histologically proved to be mucinous adenocarcinoma. Conclusion: Recognition of similar paraneoplastic dermatoses may lead to rapid diagnosis of neoplastic disease and better prognosis.
Key words: Laser-Trela symptom, seborrheic keratoses, mucinous adenocarcinoma
Аddress for correspondence:
Durmishev, L.
Department of Dermatology and Venereology,
UMBAL Aleksandrovska EAD, MU – Sofia
1, „Sv. Georgi Soiysky“, Str.
1431, София
tel.: +359 2 9230 438