Issue 2/2024
Spasova, A., Gabrovska, N., Galacheva, A., Velizarova, S.,
Hospital of Pediatrics “Prof. I. Mitev” – Sofia
Influenza is a disease of health, social and economic importance. The official WHO statistics show that between 3 million and 5 million patients with a severe form of influenza are registered annually and between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide. Influenza is caused by three groups of RNA viruses from the myxovirus family. Influenza viruses are spread through the air-droplet way – when coughing, sneezing, talking. They multiply rapidly in the cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory epithelium. The incubation period is short – from hours to 1-2 days. Susceptibility to infection is universal and type-specific immunity is observed. The flu can occur as a mild, moderate, severe and very severe form. In the acute phase of the disease or later, complications such as otitis, sinusitis, arthritis, etc. may occur. Primary viral pneumonia is a severe complication of influenza, in some cases with a fatal outcome. Most often, influenza infection is complicated by secondary bacterial pneumonia. The occurrence of a complication is an indication for hospitalization, especially for young children, the elderly and at-risk groups patients.
Address for correspondence:
Spasova, A.
Hospital of Pediatrics „Prof. I. Mitev“
11, „Akad. Ivan Geshov“, Blvd.
1612, Sofia