Issue 2/2024
Georgieva1, S., Nikolov2, I., Petrova2,3, G.
1 Neonatology Clinic, SHATAG „Maychin Dom“ – Sofia
2 Clinic of Pediatrics, UMHAT „Alexandrovska“ – Sofia
3 Department of Pediatrics, Medical University – Sofia
Chickenpox is one of the most contagious infectious diseases in the world and is often mistaken for „harmless chicken pox“. This article discusses the clinical picture and possible complications of the disease.
Key words: herpes viruses, varicella, herpes-zoster
Address for correspondence:
Baicheva, M.
Gastroenterology Clinic,
SHATPD „Prof. Ivan Mitov”, Department of Pediatrics
11, „Acad. Ivan Geshov“, Blvd.
1612, Sofia