Issue 2/2023
Petkova, D., Petrova, G.
Clinic of Pediatrics UMBAL «Alexandrovska», Department of Pediatrics, MU – Sofia
Hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) is a simultaneous enlargement of the liver and spleen occurring in a variety of diseases, from severe malignancies to benign self-limiting ones. HCM is due to inflammatory, infiltrative, metabolic diseases, congestion, biliary obstruction, benign hemolytic and other diseases. Different age groups are characterized by different frequency of diseases causing HCM. Complete blood count with differential count, C-reactive protein, blood smear, liver enzymes, gamma-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, total and direct bilirubin, urine, hepatotropic viruses, abdominal ultrasonography are part of the basic panel investigations in HCM. The article aims to propose an algorithm for behavior in the presence of HCM in children.
Address for correspondence:
Petkova, D.
Clinic of Pediatrics, UMBAL „Alexandrovska“ – Sofia
1, St. Georgi Sofiyski, Str.
1431, Sofia