issue 2/2025
Ivanova, E.
University Hospital “Alexandrovska”, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University – Sofia
Children and adolescents can be diagnosed with various thyroid diseases and mental disorders. A diagnostic challenge may be to distinguish them, since there is an overlap in the overlap of symptoms in some of the thyroid diseases with those in psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, eating disorders). These children and adolescents need a multidisciplinary team that includes: a pediatrician, a pediatric endocrinologist, a child psychiatrist and a psychologist. Their parents also need counseling about the care their children need.
Key words: thyroid gland, mental disorders, children and adolescents.
Address for correspondence:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Ivanova, MD
University Hospital „Aleksandrovska“,
Department of Psychiatry
„St. G. Sofiyski“, Blvd.