Issue 9/2024
Zhelezarova, B., Pencheva, R., Petranova, T., Stancheva, N.
Vasculitides are a heterogeneous group of diseases that can be manifested independently or be a secondary phenomenon of an already established disease. They are due to inflammation of the vascular wall of vessels of different caliber. Pathogenetic changes include destruction of the vascular wall with a possible histological picture of fibrinoid necrosis. Vasculitic manifestations can be localized in individual organs, but more often they are generalized, affecting arteries of different size.The etiological cause often remains unclear, but is always multifactorial. A previous viral or bacterial infection is often present.
Кey words: Сonnective tissue disease, Vasculitides, Antinuclear antibodies, Intravenous immunoglobulin
Аddress for correspondence:
Zelezarova, B.
Rheumatology Clinic,
UMBAL “Dr. Georgi Stranski” – Pleven
91, “Gen. Vladimir Vazov”, Str.
tel.: +359 887 706 623