Issue 12/2022
A. Korkova
MHAT “Evropa Hospital” – Sofia
Otosclerosis is an autosomal dominant inherited disease, characterized with progressive hearing loss. Women are more frequently affected. Pathogenetically it is characterized with remodeling of the bone with most frequently engaging the area anterior to the oval window. This leads to fixation of the stapes’ footplate and a conductive hearing loss. The presence of lesions in other places of the bony labyrinth leads to the so called cochlear otosclerosis and is characterized with mixed hearing loss. Rarely the lesions involve only the cochlea, causing sensorineural hearing loss. The diagnosis is based clinically on anamnesis, the audiometry result, the absence of acoustic reflex and computed tomography. The surgical treatment is method of first choice, as safe and effective method of improving hearing.
Address for correspondence:
Аnastasia Коркова
Sofia, j.k. Lagera, bl. 10, flor G, ap. 7