Issue 1/2025
Donkina, V.
National Center for Psychosomatics – Sofia
In-depth study of the psychological effects of brain accidents on personality, as psychoanalysis speaks of them, plays an essential role in understanding the process of illness and potential recovery, and can therefore explain a number of phenomena that remain obscure if we rely on trying to associate specific parts of the brain with particular cognitive or psychological disorders. An understanding of phenomena such as narcissistic trauma provides a better insight into the difficulties we may encounter not only in the process of psychological care, but also the complexities of the doctor-patient relationship.
Key words: brain damage, body image, subjective self-image, psychology, psychoanalysis, neurological symp-tomatology
Address for correspondence:
Velislava Donkina, PhD
National Center for Psychosomatics,
153A, „G. S. Rakovski“, Blvd.
1000, Sofia