Issue 5/2023
Vassilev, S., Petrov, I., Zlatareva, N.
UMBAL Acibadem City Clinic – Sofia
The incidence of obesity is rising worldwide and more than half of the adult population is already overweight. The World Health Organization defines obesity as the modern epidemic. Numerous clinical and epidemiological data link obesity to a wide range of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death. Obesity increases the risk of mortality directly and indirectly. Direct effects are through structural and functional changes associated with obesity, as well as the effect of adipokines on inflammation and cardiovascular homeostasis. Indirect effects are mediated by the presence of additional risk factors, such as insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia. This review summarizes the main pathophysiological mechanisms between obesity and cardiovascular disease, analyzes the heterogeneity of obesity-related complications, and provides an overview of the effect of weight reduction on the cardiovascular system.
Address for correspondence:
Vassilev, S.
UMBAL Acibadem City Clinic – Sofia
127, „Sofia Ring Road“, Str.
1700 Sofia