Issue 10/2023
Handjiev, Sv., Djikova, G.
Bulgarian association for the study of obesity and its accompanying diseases
SNMD, Medical University – Sofia
The purpose of the present communication is the results of an anthropometric study of the treatment of obesity with a dietary regimen including yogurt fermented with Lactobacillus bulgaricus, St. Thermophilus and Bifidus essensis. Subjects of study were 39 men and 30 women, average age 38 years. In ambulatory studies (in the III-rd stage of the European dietary project DIOGENES) where 290 g of yogurt fermented with Bifidus essensis was used for dinner of obese persons. In this way, patients receive about 9 g of protein, 10 g of fat, and 13.5 g of carbohydrates for dinner. The energy value of this dinner is 198 kcal. Anthropometric measurements were performed before and after treatment.
Key words: yogurt, obesity, dietary regimen