Other Covid infections other than Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2)
Issue 2/2023 Galacheva, A. SBAL for Children‘s Diseases „Prof. Ivan Mitev“ – Sofia Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes…
Issue 2/2023 Galacheva, A. SBAL for Children‘s Diseases „Prof. Ivan Mitev“ – Sofia Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes…
Issue 2/2023 Brankov, O. Surgical clinic, UMBAL „Tokuda“ – Sofia Umbilical disorders are frequently encountered by pediatricians and pediatric surgeons….
Issue 2/2023 Nicheva, A., Second MBAL, Children‘s Clinic – Sofia Histamine intolerance is associated with a deficiency of the intestinal…
Issue 2/2023 Petkova, D., Petrova, G. Clinic of Pediatrics UMBAL «Alexandrovska», Department of Pediatrics, MU – Sofia Hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) is…
Issue 2/2023 Andonova, Y., Petrova, G. Clinic of Pediatrics UMBAL “Alexandrovska” EAD, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University – Sofia Аbdominal…
Issue 2/2023 Baicheva1, M., Petrova2, G. 1 Clinic of Gastroenterology, SBALDB “Prof. Ivan Mitov”, Department of Pediatrics, Sofia University 2…