Neurology and psychiatry
Differential diagnosis of peroneal paresis
Alexandrova, I., Bozhinova, V.
Demyelinating diseases of the spinal cord – diagnostic challenges in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders and multiple sclerosis
Ignatova, V., Mantarova, S.
Tumor-like lesions in multiple sclerosis
Aleksandrova, I., Topalov, N., Slavkova, E., Bozhinova, V.
Cognitive impairments in multiple sclerosis
Valkova, M. , Tzolova, E
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension – diagnosis, therapeutic approaches, prognosis
Aleksandrova, I.,, Bozhinova, V.
Vascular risk factors in development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease
Valkova, M.
Distinction between negative and pseudonegative symptoms: A new approach to the treatment in schizophrenia
Haralanova, Ev., Haralanov, Sv.
Prevention and assessment of suicide risk
Nikolova, T. Dimitrova, M., Dilkov, D.
Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Uzunova, A., Marinov, M.
The role of the GP in supporting children experiencing the death of a significant adult
A. Milanov